Saturday, January 18, 2014

Surprise! It's SNOWING. Again.

Arden and I took this creature and her sister to the vet this morning.  Where else would anyone want to be at 8AM on a Saturday?

We drove home in the pouring rain which at some point turned into driving snow.  That lasted for oh...twelve hours.  And counting.

We had plans with friends that we'd all be looking forward to and we almost took a rain check because the roads were a hot mess since the snow took everyone by surprise -- everyone, including every single meteorologist in New England, apparently.  But, we took our chances and made the 15 minute drive to their house.  Sure it took 40ish minutes to get there but it was worth it.  And the scenery was nice.

I thought the trees behind their house were crazy picturesque.  Don't you agree?

The roads were down to pavement on the way home so Dora let me drive.  I'm apparently not to be trusted in snow.  ;)

Easy drive home, the plows are coming by again to get us cleaned up because of our super awesome new mayor.  The plows haven't been by this much in the last 4 years under the criminal mayor.

The kid crawled into bed pretty quickly and was out like a light.  Busy day tomorrow - hopefully she'll sleep past 6AM.

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