Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Future CEO Strikes Again

As usual, Arden's brain has been firing away a mile a minute.

The quote of the day: "Mommy, can we have a farm? When we get our farm, we should have hens to lay eggs and cows to make milk. Then people will buy our eggs and milk for their stores. And then we will have more money!"

Ever the entrepeneur, this child. Yesterday she asked (again) for a computer and a printer so she can make money. I continue to hope she will use her powers for good and not evil. Dora did say the other day that if Arden had the power of magic, she would be the next Voldemort. I kinda think she's right.

She is loving Kindergarten. They are learning about the planets, with a recent focus on Earth, Mars, and Saturn. She told us all about the rings of Saturn and about certain planets being made of gas. I think it's about time for me to hit the books again, I've forgotten all things about planets, and she has lots and lots of questions.

A few pictures since really, no one's reading this for my eloquent prose.

Playing with some of her toys post birthday party 2. I think the whole Toy Story gang lives here now.

Before school this morning. Yes that's my iPod, and yes, she asked for her own today.

We are mid heatwave this week. It was another 98 degree day, and Arden had a fabulous morning and a fabulous day at school so we went for a special treat at the dairy. Hey, we needed milk anyway! Strawberry ice cream for dinner every once in awhile isn't a bad thing ;-).

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Arden Turns 5 - Take 2

Well, technically it's take 3 since she celebrated at her school on Monday, but I don't have any photos of that.

We had Arden's friend party this afternoon. Her choice this year was a Glow Bowling party. We had a great time, and I think our guests did too. I'm happy to say that almost everyone donned a pair of bowling shoes.

It was, of course, Candlepin Bowling, something I never knew existed pre-east coast life. I can't say I like it better (or nearly as much) as regular bowling, but I'll admit it's probably easier for the kids. I'd also like to put it out there that I came in first on my lane.

But I digress...onto the pics!

Arden designed this cake too. Baked, again, by Market Basket, it's exactly what she wanted!

Dora decorated while the rest of us bowled. I call this one "How to Make a Bowling Alley Festive"

This chair was a favorite -- it spins.


With her cake. Obviously.

She is much more willing to have people sing happy birthday to her these days. She used to loathe it. Come to think of it, she hated the song in general, and never wanted to be in the room with anyone singing it to her or someone else.

Blowing out the candles

Ripping into the gifts.

Post party spin through the arcade at the bowling alley.

Dance Dance Revolution!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The King's Castle

There is something unfair about 4 days of rain after getting a scooter for your birthday, isn't there?

Arden has had to exercise patience since Sunday while Mother Nature poured buckets of (much needed) rain over Massachusetts. Today was finally sunny, and despite a really odd evening full of errands, we managed to get over to the Reservoir to take the scooter for a spin. Proof:

This is the old fire tower. Arden thinks the King's castle. Apparently, said King built our entire town, from the cemetery next door to well...Target.

We moan and groan about our town nearly every day, but really, how much more spectacular can it get? (Okay so a better school system and you know, some firefighters would serve us well, but it sure is beautiful.)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Arden's 5th Birthday - Take 1

We had a grand old time celebrating Arden's birthday, though we missed both sets of grandparents and wish we could all celebrate together! This is one of those days a personal jet would come in handy. Forgive the quality of the pictures, they're from my iPhone which, without perfect light, just don't turn out all that great.

We kicked off the day with a trip to Cracker Barrel, the birthday girl's wish. This alone demonstrates our love for her, Cracker Barrel at 10AM on Sunday morning is insanely busy.

Working on some word challenges while we waited for breakfast...

No pictures, please. Notice at the left of the picture, Dora taking photos with her phone. A well photographed child, she is.

After breakfast we headed to visit Nonna where we did cupcakes and Happy Birthday. No pictures of this event, we were both focused on making sure Arden didn't get crumbs on the carpet or chocolate frosting on her dress. :-)

Next up, a trip to Uncle Bobby and Mandy's house for pizza, cake and presents. We intruded on them since it's still tough for Bobby to get around thanks to his major softball injury.

An attempt at a nice 5 year picture. Operative word, attempt.

How old are you? 5

And also...flash if the gang sign 5.

The cake! Arden designed it and Market Basket made it happen. She loved it and it was delicious. I think they will be our go to cake makers from now on. $13.99 for 1/4 of a sheet cake that was beautiful and delicious? Win.

Singing Happy Birthday!

Ah, the gifts. It's nice to be the only child, grandchild, niece!

Woody! Mandy compared finding Toy Story toys to the Cabbage Patch days of our childhood.

A fleece pirate blanket. She is wrapped in this right now, it made bedtime even after all that sugar easy as pie.

Toy Story card from Grandma Joanne and Pops! A singing Toy Story card to boot!

"Just what I always wished for!" -- The Toy Story Mobigo game!

The talking, light-up, wing spreading Buzz from Grandma Joanne and Pops. Notice a present theme this year?

She's been begging for a scooter since we went camping with Alina a few weeks ago. We've heard a lot of "I sure hope I get a scooter...did I get a scooter?" the last couple of days. Good thing we got her a scooter!

Surrounded by her art supplies from Auntie Nette. I think Annette bought out Target's entire art department. She put some of it to good use making 'creations'.

Painting Uncle Bobby's nails with her new glow in the dark nail polish.

Playing with Woody and Bullseye

And Buzz!

It was a lovely day, and we still can't believe she is 5. I need to do an Arden at 5 post, but that will have to wait until another day! Suffice it to say she's brilliant, delightful, stubborn, hilarious, unique, beautiful and well, maybe a little bit perfect.

Happy 5th Birthday Arden!

From this ....

To this....

These last 5 years have flown by!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

The One in Which I Say She Was Right....

Eating 'local' is not something I've ever given consideration. Why yes indeed I am (er...was) one of those people who never thought about where our meat or produce or milk came from other than the store. Did I think about the chicken being from a farm owned by one of the only two companies who produce chickens now? Nope. Dora has been pretty focused on the health consequences of added hormones and preservatives in meats, dairy and even produce. The first share we got from our CSA include strawberries. I remarked on their size. Her response? They're small because they aren't pumped full of growth hormones. Strawberries on steroids? Nice.

Part of her campaign for eating local was gently cajoling (ahem...forcing) me to watch Food Inc. one Sunday morning. Repulsive, sad, and eye opening. It's not easy to watch, but I'd suggest it. If nothing else, it makes you think.

I wasn't too sure when we joined the CSA...and I really wasn't too sure about having a whole pig in our freezer downstairs but let me tell you...she was right. Healthier? Absolutely. But it also tastes different...better. Go figure. It forces us to cook outside the box. We have steak now, because of the CSA meat share...that's just not something we were buying before. We have cuts we've never had and we're forced to do something with. We have vegetables we've only heard of in passing (or, if you are me, you've never heard of before). Example: kohlrabi. It's a german turnip. Dora made a kohlrabi soup tonight. It's delicious. We paired it with homemade biscuits topped with Dora's homemade (CSA) peach jam. It's fun. And it helps to be married to someone who can make something delicious out of just about everything. Even if she's never met one of their kind before.

Our fridge overflows with veggies and fruit. Our freezers, both upstairs and down, are chock full of meat that hasn't been pumped full of anything. We stop every weekend at our dairy, where we buy milk. We're invited, of course, to go meet the cows from whence said milk came. Thus far, I've passed. C'mon now...it's summer. They are cows.

To eat this way is not effortless, nor is it necessarily cheap. Okay, it's not cheap. But we paid up front for the season, and obviously for Sausage the pig...and our weekly market trips total nearly zero. Cleaning products, bread and diet coke (ahem...from the earth, entirely chemical free soda) tend to be the only things that make the list these days.

Does any of this mean I see myself milking goats or cows and collecting eggs from our own chickens (or, apparently, ducks)? No. Excuse me. No. But I'll continue support our local farmer, so long as that farmer is not me.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Raising Arden

It's hard to believe, but we are closing in on 5 years old. Raising Arden has been, and I'm sure will continue to be, a total trip. She is brilliant, fabulous, and perhaps more than anything, unique. When Arden was born we were *so* happy to have a girl. We stuffed her into dresses and put bows in her hair. Dora went out and the first gift she ever got her, well, the first gift where she could really understand new toys, was a set of twin dolls. Those dolls have lived with us for 4 years now, and she's left them at the bottom of the baskets. "Arden, don't you want to push the dolls in your stroller?" "No, I'm pushing Stitch."

Arden is, without a doubt, who she is.

She loves to fish...

And be a firechief (that's her brother, Curious George)

Entirely unsure of what to do with a Barbie, Mermaid Barbie or not. Looking to Hailey for guidance, perhaps? (If she never gets into Barbie I'll be happy...all I remember about my Barbies and my grandmother's Barbies are the teeny tiny shoes). At least this one doesn't have feet!

Hailey knows what to do though!

Ah, back in the comfort of her superhero gear.


A limboing pirate

Takin' down a scurvy pirate with a water canon

Counting her treasure

One of the greatest picture of all times, an early celebration of two almost 5 year olds. We are so, so lucky.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Dusting off the cobwebs (and the guilt).

This about sums up the last few weeks...

We've been running...and running....after a month at the lake we came home to a semi-renovated bathroom. For the first week home it pretty much looked like this:

Due to this...we ran away to a campground last weekend. We had a delightful time with friends, even though my foot was attacked by a Cheez It hoarding duck.

Arden collected kindling for the fire. This is her genuine smart-ass smile.

We're heading into the home stretch of the bathroom renovation, I'll post pictures when all is said and done.
I still have some more pictures to post from the month at the lake, but here's a highlight. Grandma Mary and Nonno took her on a pirate cruise. She requested last year's costume. She had a fantastic time shooting the water canon at the dirty ol' pirate, collecting treasure and doing the limbo.

The pirate cruise is also a chance for education, apparently. This is the Santa Maria, I think. Well, it's one of those ships. I paid attention in history, I swear.

This is Plymouth Rock. Yep. That's it. Overwhelming, isn't it?

And finally, she wanted me to take her picture sitting up on this ledge. As to why? Your guess is as good as mine.

The upcoming weekend is one where we'll finally be home...sort of. Our contractors plan to be here at least a few hours each day, so we'll probably get out of the house and go find something entertaining to do.
We are 43 days away from our vacation to DisneyWorld. But who's counting.